
Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to recover from a Broken Heart

you have a headache, you get to use drugs that can take care of the headache, if u have a terrible toothache you might use some pain-killers and they will do the magic. What do you get to use when suffering from a broken heart? That’s rhetorical as theirs really nothing useful, the truth about this is that, broken hearts never do heal up completely, it might seem not to be there but looking at it closely it exists, the scars are more terrible than the cursed scar Voldermont left on Harry’s head. Apart from the fact that you can get to find someone who can talk you out of the pains of a broken heart, it’s really a long way in getting your heart mended. Ken my buddy didn’t recover well the last time his 3-year relationship with Eunice went to the knackers, because he declined getting a bigger apartment, ken at times had to hide his caller identity whilst calling her up just to hear her voice or if lucky the answering machine does the job, it got to a point I had to wade into the matter because he was almost losing it then. Find peace within yourself, that’s the first step to take if you want to get to the recovery terminal, forget about your ex-(even if still feel their warmth)try and see beauty in everything around you, believe she left you good because someone better is coming your way. Get yourself to start something new, go for a workout class, explore yoga, join a book reading club, anything positive in nature that will keep you busy and at the same time giving you a chance to discover your inner-self. Exploit something that will bring tranquillity to your being, it’ll help you a lot because you have to find peace within yourself before you can relate and mix well with people successfully. See her as a friend. The funniest language in this world is coincidence, I don’t really know how it happens but its just happens, you keep seeing those people you really don’t want to see, or people you are trying to avoid, and it’s a times in unpleasant situations, meeting them in Bus-stops, trapped in jammed Elevators, at the mall and other places you have no choice but to exchange pleasantries, and really it will be so immature of you to see her and ignore her, especially if she is with someone, she’s going tell your successor that you are still that baby who refuses to grow up, rather than a vendetta, initiate a hug followed by pleasantries. Get introduced to her date and maintain calmness (even though in pretence) but maintain your composure all the way and try not to lose it. Once you can achieve this, then you are ready to date someone provided you are willing to, or would you prefer to still mourn your ex who is busy getting her groove on with some other Romeo. This next approach is really tough, but as tough as it’s effective. Don’t go about changing the pictures, the furniture’s, your bed sheets and stuffs you know will remind you of her, because really their absence will create more damage than just a broken heart, instead polish and utilize them optimally. The fact that she left you doesn’t mean she has to take your personal belongings with her, they are yours. It’s the spirit of Hatred that will make your change your stuffs, so I say let them stay. Make yourself feel good, don’t go about feeling sad and blue because she left you, the world is out there waiting for someone like you to take it on, don’t let her close the door on your face instead leave the door open and let someone special walk in through that door, don’t sit at home gazing an brooding over old pictures, and videos, instead you should be out there taking new pictures and making new videos, you never know MTV or the paparazzi might hire you. And what I will consider the last step; is you start seeing other people, because really you don’t expect her to stay single for life because of you. See old friends, relatives’, college mates and even make new ones. Move around, visit interesting places, there a lot of beautiful ladies out there wondering who will take them home (to mama that is). So why not take another chance and give it a good shot while you’re at it?

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